
What We Believe

We Are Christians

As Christians, we believe that Jesus is the complete, sufficient, and perfect saviour. He was sent by God to save his people. He died on the cross for our sins, and rose again three days later. Now, he's sitting at the right hand of God - the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We reject the notion that there are many ways to God, or that people can be saved from their sins through any other name than King Jesus.

We Are Reformed

We believe that Jesus' reign as King affects every area of life - all of Christ for all of life. He works out his sovereign rule through faithful households and the church as more and more of the world reflects his Kingdom. We reject human-centred views of the world which diminish the authority, glory, and majesty of God as Creator and Redeemer.

We Are Evangelical

We are utterly committed to the supremacy and authority of the Bible, the urgent need of the mission of Jesus to make disciples, and the counter-cultural community that flows from faithfulness to everything that Jesus taught. We reject the fearfulness of the modern church which has led to laziness in mission, flinching at the Scriptures, and a compromised community of faith.

TPC is a Confessional Church. That means our statement of faith is found in one of the Confessions of Faith that grew out of the Reformation in the 16th and 17th Centuries. You can read the Westminster Confession of Faith by clicking the button below.